
'use strict';

const BinaryParseStream = require('../vendor/binary-parse-stream');
const Tagged = require('./tagged');
const Simple = require('./simple');
const utils = require('./utils');
const NoFilter = require('nofilter');
const constants = require('./constants');
const {MT, NUMBYTES, SYMS, BI} = constants;
const {Buffer} = require('buffer');

const COUNT = Symbol('count');
const MAJOR = Symbol('major type');
const ERROR = Symbol('error');
const NOT_FOUND = Symbol('not found');

function parentArray(parent, typ, count) {
  const a = [];

  a[COUNT] = count;
  a[SYMS.PARENT] = parent;
  a[MAJOR] = typ;
  return a;

function parentBufferStream(parent, typ) {
  const b = new NoFilter();

  b[COUNT] = -1;
  b[SYMS.PARENT] = parent;
  b[MAJOR] = typ;
  return b;

class UnexpectedDataError extends Error {
  constructor(byte, value) {
    super(`Unexpected data: 0x${byte.toString(16)}`); = 'UnexpectedDataError';
    this.byte = byte;
    this.value = value;

 * Things that can act as inputs, from which a NoFilter can be created.
 * @typedef {string|Buffer|ArrayBuffer|ArrayBufferView
 *   |DataView|import('stream').Readable} BufferLike
 * @typedef ExtendedResults
 * @property {any} value The value that was found.
 * @property {number} length The number of bytes of the original input that
 *   were read.
 * @property {Buffer} bytes The bytes of the original input that were used
 *   to produce the value.
 * @property {Buffer} [unused] The bytes that were left over from the original
 *   input.  This property only exists if {@linkcode Decoder.decodeFirst} or
 *   {@linkcode Decoder.decodeFirstSync} was called.
 * @typedef DecoderOptions
 * @property {number} [max_depth=-1] The maximum depth to parse.
 *   Use -1 for "until you run out of memory".  Set this to a finite
 *   positive number for un-trusted inputs.  Most standard inputs won't nest
 *   more than 100 or so levels; I've tested into the millions before
 *   running out of memory.
 * @property {Tagged.TagMap} [tags] Mapping from tag number to function(v),
 *   where v is the decoded value that comes after the tag, and where the
 *   function returns the correctly-created value for that tag.
 * @property {boolean} [preferMap=false] If true, prefer to generate Map
 *   instances to plain objects, even if there are no entries in the map
 *   or if all of the keys are strings.
 * @property {boolean} [preferWeb=false] If true, prefer Uint8Arrays to
 *   be generated instead of node Buffers.  This might turn on some more
 *   changes in the future, so forward-compatibility is not guaranteed yet.
 * @property {BufferEncoding} [encoding='hex'] The encoding of the input.
 *   Ignored if input is a Buffer.
 * @property {boolean} [required=false] Should an error be thrown when no
 *   data is in the input?
 * @property {boolean} [extendedResults=false] If true, emit extended
 *   results, which will be an object with shape {@link ExtendedResults}.
 *   The value will already have been null-checked.
 * @property {boolean} [preventDuplicateKeys=false] If true, error is
 *   thrown if a map has duplicate keys.
 * @callback decodeCallback
 * @param {Error} [error] If one was generated.
 * @param {any} [value] The decoded value.
 * @returns {void}
 * @param {DecoderOptions|decodeCallback|string} opts Options,
 *   the callback, or input incoding.
 * @param {decodeCallback} [cb] Called on completion.
 * @returns {{options: DecoderOptions, cb: decodeCallback}} Normalized.
 * @throws {TypeError} On unknown option type.
 * @private
function normalizeOptions(opts, cb) {
  switch (typeof opts) {
    case 'function':
      return {options: {}, cb: /** @type {decodeCallback} */ (opts)};
    case 'string':
      return {options: {encoding: /** @type {BufferEncoding} */ (opts)}, cb};
    case 'object':
      return {options: opts || {}, cb};
      throw new TypeError('Unknown option type');

 * Decode a stream of CBOR bytes by transforming them into equivalent
 * JavaScript data.  Because of the limitations of Node object streams,
 * special symbols are emitted instead of NULL or UNDEFINED.  Fix those
 * up by calling {@link Decoder.nullcheck}.
 * @extends BinaryParseStream
class Decoder extends BinaryParseStream {
   * Create a parsing stream.
   * @param {DecoderOptions} [options={}] Options.
  constructor(options = {}) {
    const {
      tags = {},
      max_depth = -1,
      preferMap = false,
      preferWeb = false,
      required = false,
      encoding = 'hex',
      extendedResults = false,
      preventDuplicateKeys = false,
    } = options;

    super({defaultEncoding: encoding, ...superOpts});

    this.running = true;
    this.max_depth = max_depth;
    this.tags = tags;
    this.preferMap = preferMap;
    this.preferWeb = preferWeb;
    this.extendedResults = extendedResults;
    this.required = required;
    this.preventDuplicateKeys = preventDuplicateKeys;

    if (extendedResults) {'read', this._onRead.bind(this));
      this.valueBytes = /** @type {NoFilter} */ (new NoFilter());

   * Check the given value for a symbol encoding a NULL or UNDEFINED value in
   * the CBOR stream.
   * @param {any} val The value to check.
   * @returns {any} The corrected value.
   * @throws {Error} Nothing was found.
   * @static
   * @example
   * myDecoder.on('data', val => {
   *   val = Decoder.nullcheck(val)
   *   // ...
   * })
  static nullcheck(val) {
    switch (val) {
      case SYMS.NULL:
        return null;
      case SYMS.UNDEFINED:
        return undefined;
      // Leaving this in for now as belt-and-suspenders, but I'm pretty sure
      // it can't happen.
      /* istanbul ignore next */
      case NOT_FOUND:
        /* istanbul ignore next */
        throw new Error('Value not found');
        return val;

   * Decode the first CBOR item in the input, synchronously.  This will throw
   * an exception if the input is not valid CBOR, or if there are more bytes
   * left over at the end (if options.extendedResults is not true).
   * @param {BufferLike} input If a Readable stream, must have
   *   received the `readable` event already, or you will get an error
   *   claiming "Insufficient data".
   * @param {DecoderOptions|string} [options={}] Options or encoding for input.
   * @returns {ExtendedResults|any} The decoded value.
   * @throws {UnexpectedDataError} Data is left over after decoding.
   * @throws {Error} Insufficient data.
  static decodeFirstSync(input, options = {}) {
    if (input == null) {
      throw new TypeError('input required');
    ({options} = normalizeOptions(options));
    const {encoding = 'hex', ...opts} = options;
    const c = new Decoder(opts);
    const s = utils.guessEncoding(input, encoding);

    // For/of doesn't work when you need to call next() with a value
    // generator created by parser will be "done" after each CBOR entity
    // parser will yield numbers of bytes that it wants
    const parser = c._parse();
    let state =;

    while (!state.done) {
      const b =;

      if ((b == null) || (b.length !== state.value)) {
        throw new Error('Insufficient data');
      if (c.extendedResults) {
      state =;

    let val = null;
    if (c.extendedResults) {
      val = state.value;
      val.unused =;
    } else {
      val = Decoder.nullcheck(state.value);
      if (s.length > 0) {
        const nextByte =;

        throw new UnexpectedDataError(nextByte[0], val);
    return val;

   * Decode all of the CBOR items in the input into an array.  This will throw
   * an exception if the input is not valid CBOR; a zero-length input will
   * return an empty array.
   * @param {BufferLike} input What to parse?
   * @param {DecoderOptions|string} [options={}] Options or encoding
   *   for input.
   * @returns {Array<ExtendedResults>|Array<any>} Array of all found items.
   * @throws {TypeError} No input provided.
   * @throws {Error} Insufficient data provided.
  static decodeAllSync(input, options = {}) {
    if (input == null) {
      throw new TypeError('input required');
    ({options} = normalizeOptions(options));
    const {encoding = 'hex', ...opts} = options;
    const c = new Decoder(opts);
    const s = utils.guessEncoding(input, encoding);
    const res = [];

    while (s.length > 0) {
      const parser = c._parse();
      let state =;

      while (!state.done) {
        const b =;

        if ((b == null) || (b.length !== state.value)) {
          throw new Error('Insufficient data');
        if (c.extendedResults) {
        state =;
    return res;

   * Decode the first CBOR item in the input.  This will error if there are
   * more bytes left over at the end (if options.extendedResults is not true),
   * and optionally if there were no valid CBOR bytes in the input.  Emits the
   * {Decoder.NOT_FOUND} Symbol in the callback if no data was found and the
   * `required` option is false.
   * @param {BufferLike} input What to parse?
   * @param {DecoderOptions|decodeCallback|string} [options={}] Options, the
   *   callback, or input encoding.
   * @param {decodeCallback} [cb] Callback.
   * @returns {Promise<ExtendedResults|any>} Returned even if callback is
   *   specified.
   * @throws {TypeError} No input provided.
  static decodeFirst(input, options = {}, cb = null) {
    if (input == null) {
      throw new TypeError('input required');
    ({options, cb} = normalizeOptions(options, cb));
    const {encoding = 'hex', required = false, ...opts} = options;

    const c = new Decoder(opts);
    let v = /** @type {any} */ (NOT_FOUND);
    const s = utils.guessEncoding(input, encoding);
    const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      c.on('data', val => {
        v = Decoder.nullcheck(val);
      c.once('error', er => {
        if (c.extendedResults && (er instanceof UnexpectedDataError)) {
          v.unused =;
          return resolve(v);
        if (v !== NOT_FOUND) {
          // Typescript work-around
          // eslint-disable-next-line dot-notation
          er['value'] = v;
        v = ERROR;
        return reject(er);
      c.once('end', () => {
        switch (v) {
          case NOT_FOUND:
            if (required) {
              return reject(new Error('No CBOR found'));
            return resolve(v);
          // Pretty sure this can't happen, but not *certain*.
          /* istanbul ignore next */
          case ERROR:
            /* istanbul ignore next */
            return undefined;
            return resolve(v);

    if (typeof cb === 'function') {
      p.then(val => cb(null, val), cb);
    return p;

   * @callback decodeAllCallback
   * @param {Error} error If one was generated.
   * @param {Array<ExtendedResults>|Array<any>} value All of the decoded
   *   values, wrapped in an Array.

   * Decode all of the CBOR items in the input.  This will error if there are
   * more bytes left over at the end.
   * @param {BufferLike} input What to parse?
   * @param {DecoderOptions|decodeAllCallback|string} [options={}]
   *   Decoding options, the callback, or the input encoding.
   * @param {decodeAllCallback} [cb] Callback.
   * @returns {Promise<Array<ExtendedResults>|Array<any>>} Even if callback
   *   is specified.
   * @throws {TypeError} No input specified.
  static decodeAll(input, options = {}, cb = null) {
    if (input == null) {
      throw new TypeError('input required');
    ({options, cb} = normalizeOptions(options, cb));
    const {encoding = 'hex', ...opts} = options;

    const c = new Decoder(opts);
    const vals = [];

    c.on('data', val => vals.push(Decoder.nullcheck(val)));

    const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      c.on('error', reject);
      c.on('end', () => resolve(vals));

    if (typeof cb === 'function') {
      p.then(v => cb(undefined, v), er => cb(er, undefined));
    utils.guessEncoding(input, encoding).pipe(c);
    return p;

   * Stop processing.
  close() {
    this.running = false;
    this.__fresh = true;

   * Only called if extendedResults is true.
   * @ignore
  _onRead(data) {

   * @returns {Generator<number, any, Buffer>} Yields a number of bytes,
   *   returns anything, next returns a Buffer.
   * @throws {Error} Maximum depth exceeded.
   * @yields {number} Number of bytes to read.
   * @ignore
  *_parse() {
    let parent = null;
    let depth = 0;
    let val = null;

    while (true) {
      if ((this.max_depth >= 0) && (depth > this.max_depth)) {
        throw new Error(`Maximum depth ${this.max_depth} exceeded`);

      const [octet] = yield 1;
      if (!this.running) {[octet]));
        throw new UnexpectedDataError(octet);
      const mt = octet >> 5;
      const ai = octet & 0x1f;
      const parent_major = (parent == null) ? undefined : parent[MAJOR];
      const parent_length = (parent == null) ? undefined : parent.length;

      switch (ai) {
        case NUMBYTES.ONE:
          this.emit('more-bytes', mt, 1, parent_major, parent_length);
          [val] = yield 1;
        case NUMBYTES.TWO:
        case NUMBYTES.FOUR:
        case NUMBYTES.EIGHT: {
          const numbytes = 1 << (ai - 24);

          this.emit('more-bytes', mt, numbytes, parent_major, parent_length);
          const buf = yield numbytes;
          val = (mt === MT.SIMPLE_FLOAT) ?
            buf :
            utils.parseCBORint(ai, buf);
        case 28:
        case 29:
        case 30:
          this.running = false;
          throw new Error(`Additional info not implemented: ${ai}`);
          switch (mt) {
            case MT.POS_INT:
            case MT.NEG_INT:
            case MT.TAG:
              throw new Error(`Invalid indefinite encoding for MT ${mt}`);
          val = -1;
          val = ai;
      switch (mt) {
        case MT.POS_INT:
          // Val already decoded
        case MT.NEG_INT:
          if (val === Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
            val = BI.NEG_MAX;
          } else {
            val = (typeof val === 'bigint') ? BI.MINUS_ONE - val : -1 - val;
        case MT.BYTE_STRING:
        case MT.UTF8_STRING:
          switch (val) {
            case 0:
              this.emit('start-string', mt, val, parent_major, parent_length);
              if (mt === MT.UTF8_STRING) {
                val = '';
              } else {
                val = this.preferWeb ?
                  new Uint8Array(0) :
            case -1:
              this.emit('start', mt, SYMS.STREAM, parent_major, parent_length);
              parent = parentBufferStream(parent, mt);
              this.emit('start-string', mt, val, parent_major, parent_length);
              val = yield val;
              if (mt === MT.UTF8_STRING) {
                val = utils.utf8(val);
              } else if (this.preferWeb) {
                val = new Uint8Array(val.buffer, val.byteOffset, val.length);
        case MT.ARRAY:
        case MT.MAP:
          switch (val) {
            case 0:
              if (mt === MT.MAP) {
                val = (this.preferMap) ? new Map() : {};
              } else {
                val = [];
            case -1:
              this.emit('start', mt, SYMS.STREAM, parent_major, parent_length);
              parent = parentArray(parent, mt, -1);
              this.emit('start', mt, val, parent_major, parent_length);
              parent = parentArray(parent, mt, val * (mt - 3));
        case MT.TAG:
          this.emit('start', mt, val, parent_major, parent_length);
          parent = parentArray(parent, mt, 1);
        case MT.SIMPLE_FLOAT:
          if (typeof val === 'number') {
            if ((ai === NUMBYTES.ONE) && (val < 32)) {
              throw new Error(
                `Invalid two-byte encoding of simple value ${val}`
            const hasParent = (parent != null);
            val = Simple.decode(
              hasParent && (parent[COUNT] < 0)
          } else {
            val = utils.parseCBORfloat(val);
      this.emit('value', val, parent_major, parent_length, ai);
      let again = false;
      while (parent != null) {
        if (val === SYMS.BREAK) {
          parent[COUNT] = 1;
        } else if (Array.isArray(parent)) {
        } else {
          // Assert: parent instanceof NoFilter
          const pm = parent[MAJOR];

          if ((pm != null) && (pm !== mt)) {
            this.running = false;
            throw new Error('Invalid major type in indefinite encoding');

        if ((--parent[COUNT]) !== 0) {
          again = true;
        delete parent[COUNT];

        if (Array.isArray(parent)) {
          switch (parent[MAJOR]) {
            case MT.ARRAY:
              val = parent;
            case MT.MAP: {
              let allstrings = !this.preferMap;

              if ((parent.length % 2) !== 0) {
                throw new Error(`Invalid map length: ${parent.length}`);
              for (
                let i = 0, len = parent.length;
                allstrings && (i < len);
                i += 2
              ) {
                if ((typeof parent[i] !== 'string') ||
                    (parent[i] === '__proto__')) {
                  allstrings = false;
              if (allstrings) {
                val = {};
                for (let i = 0, len = parent.length; i < len; i += 2) {
                  if (this.preventDuplicateKeys &&
          , parent[i])) {
                    throw new Error('Duplicate keys in a map');
                  val[parent[i]] = parent[i + 1];
              } else {
                val = new Map();
                for (let i = 0, len = parent.length; i < len; i += 2) {
                  if (this.preventDuplicateKeys && val.has(parent[i])) {
                    throw new Error('Duplicate keys in a map');
                  val.set(parent[i], parent[i + 1]);
            case MT.TAG: {
              const t = new Tagged(parent[0], parent[1]);

              val = t.convert(this.tags);
        } else /* istanbul ignore else */ if (parent instanceof NoFilter) {
          // Only parent types are Array and NoFilter for (Array/Map) and
          // (bytes/string) respectively.
          switch (parent[MAJOR]) {
            case MT.BYTE_STRING:
              val = parent.slice();
              if (this.preferWeb) {
                val = new Uint8Array(
                  /** @type {Buffer} */ (val).buffer,
                  /** @type {Buffer} */ (val).byteOffset,
                  /** @type {Buffer} */ (val).length
            case MT.UTF8_STRING:
              val = parent.toString('utf-8');
        this.emit('stop', parent[MAJOR]);

        const old = parent;
        parent = parent[SYMS.PARENT];
        delete old[SYMS.PARENT];
        delete old[MAJOR];
      if (!again) {
        if (this.extendedResults) {
          const bytes = this.valueBytes.slice();
          const ret = {
            value: Decoder.nullcheck(val),
            length: bytes.length,

          this.valueBytes = new NoFilter();
          return ret;
        return val;

module.exports = Decoder;