Write a number that is sure to be an integer to the stream. If no mt is
given writes major type POS_INT or NEG_INT as appropriate. Otherwise uses
the given mt a the major type, and the value must be non-negative. Numbers
with fractions are silently truncated to integer. Numbers outside the safe
range silently lose precision. -0 is silently changed to 0.
val: number
Number that is an integer that satisfies MIN_SAFE_INTEGER <= val <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.
Write a number that is sure to be an integer to the stream. If no mt is given writes major type POS_INT or NEG_INT as appropriate. Otherwise uses the given mt a the major type, and the value must be non-negative. Numbers with fractions are silently truncated to integer. Numbers outside the safe range silently lose precision. -0 is silently changed to 0.