Interface DecodeOptions

Decoding options.

interface DecodeOptions {
    boxed?: boolean;
    cde?: boolean;
    convertUnsafeIntsToFloat?: boolean;
    createObject?: ObjectCreator;
    dcbor?: boolean;
    diagnosticSizes?: DiagnosticSizes;
    encoding?: null | "base64" | "hex";
    maxDepth?: number;
    preferMap?: boolean;
    pretty?: boolean;
    rejectBigInts?: boolean;
    rejectDuplicateKeys?: boolean;
    rejectFloats?: boolean;
    rejectInts?: boolean;
    rejectLargeNegatives?: boolean;
    rejectLongFloats?: boolean;
    rejectLongLoundNaN?: boolean;
    rejectNegativeZero?: boolean;
    rejectSimple?: boolean;
    rejectStreaming?: boolean;
    rejectStringsNotNormalizedAs?: null | StringNormalization;
    rejectSubnormals?: boolean;
    rejectUndefined?: boolean;
    rejectUnsafeFloatInts?: boolean;
    requirePreferred?: boolean;
    saveOriginal?: boolean;
    sortKeys?: null | KeySorter;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


boxed?: boolean

Should numbers and strings be created as boxed instances, which retain their original encoding for round-tripping? If this is true, saveOriginal is also set to true. Think of this as "saveOriginal + extras". The thought is that most use cases for saveOriginal will want the original encoding of an object or array, and won't care about the original encoding of strings and numbers. Turning this on also has the side-effect of making all CBOR maps decode as JS Map objects, rather than plain Objects.

cde?: boolean

Turn on options for draft-ietf-cbor-cde-05.

convertUnsafeIntsToFloat?: boolean

In dCBOR, JS numbers between 2^53 and 2^64 get encoded as CBOR integers. When decoding, present them as JS numbers instead of BigInt, losing accuracy.

createObject?: ObjectCreator

Create an object from an array of key-value pairs. The default implementation creates a plain JS object if all of the keys are strings, otherwise creates a Map (unless preferMap or boxed is set, in which case a Map is always created).

dcbor?: boolean

Turn on options for draft-mcnally-deterministic-cbor-11.

diagnosticSizes?: DiagnosticSizes

Should the size of an element always be appended to that element using an underscore when calling diagnose?

encoding?: null | "base64" | "hex"

If the input is a string, how should it be decoded into a byte stream? Ignored if the input is a Uint8Array.

maxDepth?: number

Maximum allowed depth to parse into CBOR structures. This limit is security-relevant for untrusted inputs. May be set to Infinity for trusted inputs, but be careful!

preferMap?: boolean

Always generate Map instances when decoding, instead of trying to generate object instances when all of the keys are strings. If you have the boxed option on, this option has no effect, and Maps are always produced.

pretty?: boolean

Pretty-print diagnostic format.

rejectBigInts?: boolean

If there are bigint (tag 2/3) in the incoming data, exit with an error.

rejectDuplicateKeys?: boolean

If there are duplicate keys in a map, should we throw an exception? Note: this is more compute-intensive than expected at the moment, but that will be fixed eventually.

rejectFloats?: boolean

Reject any floating point numbers. This might be used in profiles that are not expecting floats to prevent one from being coerced to an integer-looking number without the receiver knowing.

rejectInts?: boolean

Reject any mt 0/1 numbers. This might be used in profiles that expect all numbers to be encoded as floating point.

rejectLargeNegatives?: boolean

Reject negative integers in the range [CBOR_NEGATIVE_INT_MAX ... STANDARD_NEGATIVE_INT_MAX - 1].

rejectLongFloats?: boolean

Reject floating point numbers that should have been encoded in shorter form, including having been encoded as an integer.

rejectLongLoundNaN?: boolean

Reject NaNs that are not encoded as 0x7e00.

rejectNegativeZero?: boolean

If negative zero (-0) is received, throw an error.

rejectSimple?: boolean

Reject simple values other than true, false, undefined, and null.

rejectStreaming?: boolean

Reject any attempt to decode streaming CBOR.

rejectStringsNotNormalizedAs?: null | StringNormalization

Reject strings that are not normalized with the given normalization form. Don't use this without Unicode expertise.

rejectSubnormals?: boolean

Reject subnormal floating point numbers.

rejectUndefined?: boolean

Reject the undefined simple value. Usually used with rejectSimple.

rejectUnsafeFloatInts?: boolean

For dCBOR, reject "integers" between 2^53 and 2^64 that were encoded as floats.

requirePreferred?: boolean

Reject integers and lengths that could have been encoded in a smaller encoding.

saveOriginal?: boolean

Save the original bytes associated with every object as a property of that object. Use getEncoded(obj) to retrieve the associated bytes. If you need the original encoded form of primitive items such as numbers and strings, set boxed: true as well.

sortKeys?: null | KeySorter

If non-null, keys being decoded MUST be in this order. Note that this is a superset of rejectDuplicateKeys, and is slightly more efficient.
