Interface EncodeOptions

interface EncodeOptions {
    avoidInts?: boolean;
    cde?: boolean;
    chunkSize?: number;
    collapseBigInts?: boolean;
    dcbor?: boolean;
    float64?: boolean;
    flushToZero?: boolean;
    forceEndian?: null | boolean;
    ignoreOriginalEncoding?: boolean;
    largeNegativeAsBigInt?: boolean;
    reduceUnsafeNumbers?: boolean;
    rejectBigInts?: boolean;
    rejectCustomSimples?: boolean;
    rejectDuplicateKeys?: boolean;
    rejectFloats?: boolean;
    rejectUndefined?: boolean;
    simplifyNegativeZero?: boolean;
    sortKeys?: null | KeySorter;
    stringNormalization?: null | StringNormalization;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


avoidInts?: boolean

Encode all integers as floating point numbers of the correct size.

cde?: boolean

Turn on options for draft-ietf-cbor-cde-05.

chunkSize?: number
collapseBigInts?: boolean

Should bigints that can fit into normal integers be collapsed into normal integers?

dcbor?: boolean

Turn on options for draft-mcnally-deterministic-cbor-11.

float64?: boolean

When writing floats, always use the 64-bit version. Often combined with avoidInts.

flushToZero?: boolean

When writing floats, first flush any subnormal numbers to zero before decising on encoding.

forceEndian?: null | boolean

How to write TypedArrays? Null to use the current platform's endian-ness. True to always use little-endian. False to always use big-endian.

ignoreOriginalEncoding?: boolean

Ignore sizes on boxed numbers; they might be overly-large.

largeNegativeAsBigInt?: boolean

Do not encode numbers in the range [CBOR_NEGATIVE_INT_MAX ... STANDARD_NEGATIVE_INT_MAX - 1] as MT 1.

reduceUnsafeNumbers?: boolean

Per dcbor:

"MUST check whether floating point values to be encoded have the numerically equal value in DCBOR_INT = [-2^63, 2^64-1]. If that is the case, it MUST be converted to that numerically equal integer value before encoding it. (Preferred encoding will then ensure the shortest length encoding is used.) If a floating point value has a non-zero fractional part, or an exponent that takes it out of DCBOR_INT, the original floating point value is used for encoding. (Specifically, conversion to a CBOR bignum is never considered.)"

This should only apply to "integers" that are outside the JS safe range of [-(2^53 - 1), 2^53-1].

rejectBigInts?: boolean

Do not encode bigints that cannot be reduced to integers.

rejectCustomSimples?: boolean

If true, error instead of encoding an instance of Simple.

rejectDuplicateKeys?: boolean

Check that Maps do not contain keys that encode to the same bytes as one another. This is possible in a Map with object keys.

rejectFloats?: boolean

Do not encode floating point numbers that cannot be reduced to integers.

rejectUndefined?: boolean

If true, error instead of encoding undefined.

simplifyNegativeZero?: boolean

If true, encode -0 as 0.

sortKeys?: null | KeySorter

How should the key/value pairs be sorted before an object or Map gets created? If null, no sorting is performed.

stringNormalization?: null | StringNormalization

If specified, normalize strings on encoding. 'NFD' may optimize for CPU, 'NFC' may optimize for size. Don't use this without Unicode expertise. In particular, the 'K' forms are really unlikely to be useful.
