
import * as crypto from 'crypto'
import * as packet from 'dns-packet'
import * as tls from 'tls'
import {Buffer} from 'buffer'
import {default as DNSutils} from './dnsUtils.js'
import {default as NoFilter} from 'nofilter'
import {Writable} from 'stream'
import util from 'util'

const randomBytes = util.promisify(crypto.randomBytes)


 * Options for doing DOT lookups.
 * @typedef {object} DOT_LookupOptions
 * @property {string} [name] The DNS name to look up.
 * @property {string} [rrtype='A'] The Resource Record type
 *   to retrive.
 * @property {number} [id] 2-byte ID for the DNS packet.  Defaults to random.
 * @property {boolean} [decode=true] Decode the response, either into JSON
 *   or an object representing the DNS format result.
 * @property {boolean} [dnssec=false] Request DNSSec records.  Currently
 *   requires `json: false`.

 * @callback pendingResolve
 * @param {Buffer|object} results The results of the DNS query.

 * @callback pendingError
 * @param {Error} error The error that occurred.

 * @typedef {object} Pending
 * @property {pendingResolve} resolve Callback for success.
 * @property {pendingError} reject Callback for error.
 * @property {DOT_LookupOptions} opts The original options for the request.

 * A class that manages a connection to a DNS-over-TLS server.  The first time
 * [lookup]{@link DNSoverTLS#lookup} is called, a connection will be created.
 * If that connection is timed out by the server, a new connection will be
 * created as needed.
 * If you want to do certificate pinning, make sure that the `hash` and
 * `hashAlg` options are set correctly to a hash of the DER-encoded
 * certificate that the server will offer.
export class DNSoverTLS extends DNSutils {
   * Construct a new DNSoverTLS.
   * @param {object} opts Options.
   * @param {string} [''] Server to connect to.
   * @param {number} [opts.port=853] TCP port number for server.
   * @param {string} [opts.hash] Hex-encoded hash of the DER-encoded cert
   *   expected from the server.  If not specified, no pinning checks are
   *   performed.
   * @param {string} [opts.hashAlg='sha256'] Hash algorithm for cert pinning.
   * @param {boolean} [opts.rejectUnauthorized=true] Should the server
   *   certificate even be checked using the normal TLS approach?
   * @param {number} [opts.verbose=0] How verbose do you want your logging?
   * @param {Writable} [opts.verboseStream=process.stderr] Where to write
   *   verbose output.
  constructor(opts = {}) {
    const {
    } = opts

    super({verbose, verboseStream})
    this.opts = {
      host: DNSoverTLS.server,
      port: 853,
      hashAlg: 'sha256',
      rejectUnauthorized: true,
      checkServerIdentity: this._checkServerIdentity.bind(this),,
    this.verbose(1, 'DNSoverTLS options:', this.opts)

  _reset() {
    this.size = -1

    /** @type {tls.TLSSocket} */
    this.socket = null

    /** @type {Object.<number, Pending>} */ // eslint-disable-line jsdoc/check-types, max-len
    this.pending = {}

    /** @type {NoFilter} */
    this.nof = null

    /** @type {Buffer[]} */
    this.bufs = []

   * @returns {Promise<void>}
   * @private
  _connect() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      if (this.socket) {

       * Fired right before connection is attempted.
       * @event DNSoverTLS#connect
       * @property {object} cert [lookup]{@link DNSoverTLS#lookup} options.
      this.emit('connect', this.opts)
      this.verbose(1, 'CONNECT:', this.opts)

      this.nof = new NoFilter()
      this.socket = tls.connect(this.opts, resolve)
      this.socket.on('data', this._data.bind(this))
      this.socket.on('error', reject)
      this.socket.on('end', this._disconnected.bind(this))

  _checkServerIdentity(host, cert) {
    // Same as cert.fingerprint256, but with hash agility
    const hash = DNSoverTLS.hashCert(cert, this.opts.hashAlg)

    /* eslint-disable max-len */
     * Fired on connection when the server sends a certificate.
     * @event DNSoverTLS#certificate
     * @property {crypto.Certificate} cert
     *   A [crypto.Certificate]{@link}
     *   from the server.
     * @property {string} host The hostname the client thinks it is connecting to.
     * @property {string} hash The hash computed over the cert.
    this.emit('certificate', cert, host, hash)
    /* eslint-enable max-len */

    this.verbose(2, 'CERTIFICATE:', () => DNSutils.buffersToB64(cert))
    const err = tls.checkServerIdentity(host, cert)
    if (!err) {
      if (this.opts.hash && (this.opts.hash !== hash)) {
        return new Error(`Invalid cert hash for ${}:${this.opts.port}.
Expected: "${this.opts.hash}"
Received: "${hash}"`)
    } else if (this.opts.hash !== hash) {
      return err
    return undefined

   * Server socket was disconnected.  Clean up any pending requests.
   * @private
  _disconnected() {
    for (const {reject, opts} of Object.values(this.pending)) {
      reject(new Error(`Timeout looking up "${}":${opts.rrtype}`))

     * Server disconnected.  All pending requests will have failed.
     * @event DNSoverTLS#disconnect
    this.verbose(1, 'DISCONNECT')

   * Parse data if enough is available.
   * @param {Buffer} b Data read from socket.
   * @private
  _data(b) {
     * A buffer of data has been received from the server.  Useful for
     * verbose logging, e.g.
     * @event DNSoverTLS#receive
    this.emit('receive', b)

    // There might be multiple results in one read.
    while (this.nof.length > 0) {
      // No size read yet
      if (this.size === -1) {
        if (this.nof.length < 2) {

        this.size = this.nof.readUInt16BE()
      if (this.nof.length < this.size) {
      const buf =
      this.verbose(1, 'RECV:')
      this.hexDump(1, buf)

      this.size = -1
      const pkt = packet.decode(buf)
      const pend = this.pending[]
      if (!pend) {
        // Something bad happened, like an injection attack or a corrupted
        // result. Abandon everything pending.
      pend.resolve(pend.opts.decode ? pkt : buf)

   * Generate a currently-unused random ID.
   * @returns {Promise<number>} A random 2-byte ID number.
   * @private
  async _id() {
    let id = null
    do {
      id = (await randomBytes(2)).readUInt16BE()
    } while (this.pending[id])
    return id

   * Hash a certificate using the given algorithm.
   * @param {Buffer|crypto.X509Certificate} cert The cert to hash.
   * @param {string} [hashAlg="sha256"] The hash algorithm to use.
   * @returns {string} Hex string.
   * @throws {Error} Unknown certificate type.
  static hashCert(cert, hashAlg = 'sha256') {
    const hash = crypto.createHash(hashAlg)
    if (Buffer.isBuffer(cert)) {
    } else if (cert.raw) {
    } else {
      throw new Error('Unknown certificate type')

    return hash.digest('hex')

   * Look up a name in the DNS, over TLS.
   * @param {DOT_LookupOptions|string} name The DNS name to look up, or opts
   *   if this is an object.
   * @param {DOT_LookupOptions|string} [opts={}] Options for the
   *   request.  If a string is given, it will be used as the rrtype.
   * @returns {Promise<Buffer|object>} Response.
  async lookup(name, opts = {}) {
    const nopts = DNSutils.normalizeArgs(name, opts, {
      rrtype: 'A',
      dnsssec: false,
      decode: true,
      stream: true,
    this.verbose(1, 'DNSoverTLS.lookup options:', nopts)

    await this._connect()
    if (! {
      // eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates = await this._id()

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const pkt = DNSutils.makePacket(nopts)

      this.verbose(1, 'REQUEST:')
      this.hexDump(2, pkt)
        () => pkt.readUInt16BE(0),
        () => packet.decode(pkt, 2) // Skip length

      this.pending[] = {resolve, reject, opts: nopts}


       * A buffer of data has been sent to the server.  Useful for
       * verbose logging, e.g.
       * @event DNSoverTLS#send
      this.emit('send', pkt)
      this.verbose(2, 'REQUEST:', pkt)

   * Close the socket.
   * @returns {Promise<void>} Resolved on socket close.
  close() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      if (this.socket) {
        this.socket.end(null, () => {
      } else {

export default DNSoverTLS